Friday, April 28, 2006

Successful Email Marketing

by: William R. Nabaza

No doubt email is still the best way to get a quick response from your prospect. Big companies on the web have realized this that they have implemented free email address service on their web site. This free email awareness has even reached Yahoo, AltaVista, Lycos, and InfoSeek. They knew that being a search engine is not enough that they've even turned into a hotmail web site. We'll recruit your people under you.

Get Your Free Web-Based Email

Search engines knew that they need to reach their users via email and incorporating successful email marketing that works. I'm here to reveal their secrets.

How can we go about writing successful email marketing that really works.

1. Think Before You Write.

This is obviously the very basic foundation that most of us internet marketers have neglected. For us, words are easy to come by and we haven't done our targeting yet. Target it to your customers and compose an email that will always refer back to your web site and services you sell.

2. Target Narrowly and Carefully.

Search engine categories have helped me a lot in writing a brief but carefully targeted articles. There are even free services that lets you create your own email group such as, and

Just be careful not to spam or you'll end up getting flames in your email box.

3. Keep It Short.

No we're not stupid in doing this. Studies have shown that sending a very long email to prospects will let them send it to their waste baskets. Be brief and highlight your product's effectiveness in two to three sentences and provide the URL. Try to discuss one topic per email you send.

more detail..

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